How to Use Smart Card NFC in Access Control Management?

Jeffery Dq
2 min readApr 27, 2021


Near field communication (NFC), is one such communication protocol that helps two electronic devices to communicate when brought in the range of 4cms to each other. Usually, one of these two devices is portable and the other one is placed at a certain space. It is a combination of short-range wireless technology, which could enable 2 devices when kept 10cm away or less. NFC generates a radio frequency field that can supply power to a target, as NFC involves an initiator and a target. Data is stored in NFC tags, which are classified into 4 types on the basis of configurability that provide various communication capabilities and speed. These 4 types are memory, data retention, write endurance, and security. Smart card NFC is one of the major applications of NFC that can be used in the access control of any system.

In-actual access control is a kind of restriction to some part of a place or to some resources. There are various kind of access systems that are being practiced usually in almost all of the corporate organizations having a large number walk in’s & out’s. With the access control management system it becomes easier to manage the entry and exit of employees and today NFC is playing an immensely wide role in for this. Also, with the smart card NFC it has become easier for the security system providers to offer a system that is more user friendly than any other security system.

Smart cards has given an edge to the access control management system all around the world, it has emerged like a revolutionary resource in the market of security and access control management systems. Management systems make more use of smart card NFC as their major resource to tighten their system accessibility. These cards are highly user-friendly, as it makes the process easier for security personnel’s as well as for the user. In this highly volatile era, it is really important to do things efficiently and effectively so as to bring out the best possible results and the usage of smart cards in the access control management is one of the best examples to achieve such efficiency.

