Deeply Dug: RFID for Tracking

Jeffery Dq
1 min readJul 10, 2020


It is hard to believe that RFID tags, a technology once used to track cattle herd, are now used to track almost anything. So, what is the RFID tracking system? How is RFID used for tracking? Where can we use it? What are the types of RFID tracking tags? Today, let us deeply learn about RFID tracking through this article.

What is RFID Tracking system?

RFID tags can be read from a few feet away without being in the line of sight of the reader, making it ideal for tracking something. When you build an RFID system for tracking something, an RFID tracking system is born. The RFID tracking system is a non-contact automatic identification and tracking system consisted of RFID tags, RFID readers, and computer systems. RFID tracking systems vary according to specific applications, but all base on basic RFID systems.

How is RFID Used for Tracking?

RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and multiple tags at the same time, fast and convenient. RFID tags have the advantages of non-contact, globally unique ID, high precision, anti-interference, high speed, and a strong ability to adapt to the environment. RFID tags with back glue (RFID stickers) can be attached to objects easily. And the RFID reader can automatically identify and track them and transmit data back to the system, to achieve location tracking and other functions.

